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Weight Loss Made Easy

Real Results with Real Foods

It's a Lifestyle!

During your program you will learn new ways to achieve a healthier diet and lifestyle while shedding unwanted pounds. Your support coach will work with you to find out what truly works for you. We are here to empower you and provide you with support and guidance as you set goals, make sustainable changes, and improve your health and happiness.


Lose Weight, Keep it Off

Get Healthy and Stay Healthy!


Sessions are Done Virtually via Telehealth Video or In Person.

What's Included in Our Programs

​We customize each program to fit your individual needs. This is not one size fits all! We understand that your goals are unique, so your program should be as well.

Thorough Analysis and  Personalized Supplements

2 ZYTO Scans to generate reports that show us what specific nutritional supplements and foods your body prefers most.


100% Excipient-Free Personalized, Supportive Supplements - all plant and food based.


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Accessibility and Education

Members Only Portal that contains everything you need to start and succeed in your program. 

Mobile Phone
Accountability & Advice

Daily Text Support to help hold you accountable, offering you guidance, suggestions, and support. 

Weekly Sessions  that include checking in with your weight loss and lifestyle progress along with a specialized education that teaches you how to nourish yourself on and off the plate.

Nutritionist Smiling

Meal Plan


  • Simplify and elevate the quality of your diet by choosing from a list of restorative foods necessary to heal and repair your body.  

  • The elimination diet is incorporated to remove pro-inflammatory foods that cause more harm than good. 

  • For a safe, fast, and effective weight loss, intermittent fasting is used to turbo charge your program. 

  • Learn simple cooking techniques and recipes that are easy to make and enjoyable to  eat. 

  • By tracking what you eat and how your body responds, we will be able to decipher your body's unique needs to learn what truly works for you!

Yoga Mats
One of our best success stories at _rest
40 Pounds down for Billy so far! We are

What We Do

At Restorative Wellness and Weight Loss, you will lose weight and feel great quickly and sustainably by eating real food and taking control of your health. Our guided approach to weight loss starts with healing your relationships with food, mind, and body. We will create for you a customized program considering your bio-uniqueness, health concerns, lifestyle, and goals and work with you, on a personal level, to establish a strong foundation for positive lifelong changes.


What the Clients Say About RWWL   

Wendy is the best coach I could ask for. She was very informative and very supportive throughout my weight loss program. I lost 20 lbs in 40 days! I have since lost 40 pounds since January 1, 2019! I have even stopped taking medication for high blood pressure. I could not have done it without Restorative Wellness and Weight Loss. I highly recommend this company! 


~Dee B. 

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